Life According to Sharlene
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
If you're ever selling your house, and some people come by, and a big rat comes out and he's dragging the rattrap because it didn't quite kill him, just tell the people he's your pet and that's a trick you taught him. -John Handy

So today, it was a HIGH of 17 degrees.  Do you know how cold that is?!  When I went outside for breakfast, it was 6 degrees.  SIX DEGREES!  That’s A ONE DIGIT NUMBER! *cries*  Like my font? Courtesy of my lovely mother <3 <3  I picked it because of the way the “i” is dotted, heh heh heh.

Well, today was interesting!  Not... But! I have a STORY for you guys :D.  You’ll like this one, I swear.

I was prepared for another boring group work day in Biology 120. Our professor asked very loudly, "Who wants to get out early today?" I thought to myself, "Yeah whatever, you say that all the time and it never happens." He then proceeds to give us all the answers for our group work, and we (surprisingly) get out after only 18 minutes of class. Now, my bio class is in the MARB, on the top floor, in one of the auditorium rooms. I was walking down the stairs in between the 2 auditorium rooms, and must have misjudged a step (or wasn't paying attention) when BAM I tripped over my feet, fell on my knees, and slid about 3 feet. Half of the biology class was outside the room, and that half saw. One kid was staring and said, "That was cool!" I half bowed and said, "Thank you" graciously. Then I walked out laughing at myself.

And now I’m off to do homework!  Woot...