Name: Christine Reyes

Her Family: 1 of 6

Job: Web Designer

Instead of an excerpt from her life, here is a poem written by her own hand.

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe
Oh, that’s been done; I'll start something new.

There once was a woman who lived in a house
Not any old house, this one had a mouse

It ran through the kitchen and out the front door,
It stole all the cheese and came back for more.

The woman was angry; she was not pleased
She screamed and she cried and begged down on her knees.

Go away little mouse find a new home
This is a place where four children roam

This is not a place for a little mouse
This is our home; this is our house

The mouse just laughed, a high pitched giggle
He didn't know, but soon he'd not wiggle

The giant came home, the man of the house
He didn't like the thing called a mouse

He stomped his big feet and roared his big roar
And scared that mouse right out the door

The mouse ran out and that was that
He ran right in to the neighborhood cat

Yum, dinner!

Mom's Homepage