Name: Sharlene R. Reyes

Nicknames: Shar, Shark, Sharky, Sharly, SharShar

Birth Month: May

Favorite things: Music and stories

A Story to Tell:

This incident happened a while ago, but it still makes me laugh.

It was a sunny day outside, and two other friends and I were going to make cookies for a Social Studies extra credit project. The recipe was for Argentinean cookies. The recipe called for one half a cup of confectioner’s sugar. We looked everywhere for the sugar, and finally my friend held up an unlabeled container, claiming it was the sugar. We made the cookie dough, and when I tasted the dough, it was disgusting. I told my friend that something wasn't right because the dough tasted wrong, but they said that I was just imagining things. We put the cookies in the oven, and when the time came to take them out, the cookies didn't look like cookies. The cookies were puffed up to the size of tennis balls. We tested the cookies, and they tasted bitter and nasty, the total opposite of what they were supposed to be. My friend shook the container with the sugar, and a label appeared, uncovered from being buried. It turns out that what we thought was sugar was really baking soda. Needless to say, we had to remake the cookies.